anchor: ThisShabbat
Shabbat Vayechi • January 10 - 11
Shabbat Morning Speaker: Micah Symons
On Saturday, December 7, Rabbi Weininger delivered a powerful D'var Torah on interfaith marriage and the Conservative Jewish movement, titled "The Tradition We Love Has Something to Say."
Watch it here.
Read it here: The Tradition We Love Has Something to Say
Watch it here.
Read it here: The Tradition We Love Has Something to Say
anchor: Yahrzeit
Yahrzeit Information |
Please contact Christine Levin at [email protected] if you plan to attend minyan or Shabbat services to commemorate a Yahrzeit. |
anchor: FridayNight
Friday Night Service Offerings
Friday Night Service - Every Week 6:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv with Rabbi Weininger, Rabbi Seid, Hazzan Dulkin, and Cantor Seid in Adath's Chapel. Watch Friday Night Services on Adath Live Stream |
SPA - Soulful Prayer at Adath 6:00 PM Join us in our beautiful Chapel as we experience Shabbat through our SPA: Soulful Prayer at Adath musical service. From the soulful expression of prayer to the uplifting melodies of our traditional tunes, you will find yourself revitalized and filled with calm. Whether it's your first time or you've been here many times before, we look forward to welcoming you! Dates: February 28 , March 21, April 25 |
Family Fridays 5:00 PM Eat some nosh, dance and sing, and enjoy a joyous, musical Shabbat service with our clergy. After Kabbalat Shabbat, we’ll invite families to join us for a bedtime story in the social hall with milk and cookies. 5:00 - 6:00 PM: Enjoy a kid-friendly dinner and adult-friendly cocktails. 6:00 - 6:45 PM: Join the musical Shabbat service. Dates: January 10, February 14, April 4, May 17 |
Erev Shabbat Happy Hour & Nosh 5:00 - 5:45 PM Join us for nosh and a beverage as we catch up with friends, meet new people and get ready to celebrate Shabbat. Happy hours are always buzzing with great conversations, people sharing their stories with one another and lots of laughter! New to Adath or considering joining? Happy hours are a great opportunity for you to meet new people and celebrate Shabbat with our community. Look for Anna Simon, Director of Membership, at happy hours so she can introduce you to people or reach out to her in advance at [email protected] or 952-215-3911 to let her know that you plan on attending. Dates: January 24, March 28, May 30 |
anchor: ShabbatMorning
Shabbat Morning Service Offerings
Shabbat Morning Service - Every Week 9:30 AM Service of prayer, celebration, comfort, Torah and community in Adath's Chapel. Services are followed by Kiddush in the Social Hall. Watch Shabbat Morning Services on Adath Live Stream |
Shabbat Morning Program 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM SMP is the cornerstone of educating our young congregants. All children entering 5th grade and above who plan to celebrate B'nai Mitzvah at Adath Jeshurun are required to attend the program for 5th–7th Graders. Please contact Paula Hance at [email protected] with any questions. |
Mini Mensches Childcare 9:30 - 11:30 AM Our youngest daveners are always welcome in the main service, but just as adults experience Synagogue life in different ways, so too do children. To meet those needs we are now offering Mini Mensches Childcare during Shabbat morning services. Kids will get to play and learn together in our library and big muscle room and receive a small snack in the middle of the morning. On days with no Junior Congregation Mini Mensches meets in Library and moves to Big Muscle Room at 10:30 AM. On days with Junior Congregation Mini Mensches will meet in Muscle Room and move to Library at 10:30 AM. |
Junior Congregation 10:30 - 11:15 AM Bring your kids to the main service and then send them to be led in prayer by our SMP students, teen tutors, and teachers! Junior congregation will be held in either the chapel or sanctuary - whichever prayer space is not being used by the main service. Dates: January 25, February 22, March 22, April 19 |
anchor: DailyMinyan
Daily Minyan Offerings
A time to check in and pray together. We have many different prayer options throughout the week. We would love to welcome you to the chapel in person or online using our fabulous Chapel Zoom Room technology. On Monday and Thursday mornings, we will hold a full morning service using "Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays;" a full Torah service with Aliyot and other honors is given to those in the room.
Morning: 9:30 AM Zoom Evening: 5:45 PM Zoom |
Morning: 7:20 AM Zoom & Chapel Evening: 5:45 PM Zoom |
Morning: 7:20 AM Zoom Evening: 5:45 PM Zoom |
Morning: 7:20 AM Zoom Evening: 5:45 PM Zoom |
Morning: 7:20 AM Zoom & Chapel Evening: 5:45 PM Zoom |
Morning: 7:20 AM Zoom Friday Night Service: 6:00 PM Live Stream & Chapel |
Shabbat Morning Service: 9:30 AM Live Stream & Chapel/Sanctuary Evening: No Minyan |
Morning Minyan starts at 9:30 AM on these Federal Holidays:
New Years Day (via Zoom), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (via Zoom)
New Years Day (via Zoom), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (via Zoom)
prayers from our shabbat liturgy
musical inspiration
soulful prayer
El Adon al Kol Hama’asim
by Ehud Banai
(follow along on Lev Shalem page 151)
Shevet Achim v’Achayot
A tribe of brothers and sisters - an Israeli unity video created by 30 of the leading musicians in Israel
(you can enable English Subtitles)
Halleluya - Psalm 148
by Nava Tehila
(follow along Lev Shalem page 140)
Ein Keloheinu
in Hebrew and Ladino (follow along Lev Shalem page 204)
Oseh Shalom
by Nava Tehila
(follow along Lev Shalem page 203)
Gesher Tzar M’od Narrow Bridge
by Yosef Goldman
Nishmat Kol Chai
by Joey Weisenberg
(follow along p. 145 Lev Shalem)
Va’ani Ashir Uzecha
by Josh Warshawsky
Emet (Truth)
by Josh Warshawsky
(follow along at the bottom of Lev Shalem Page 157)
Kol HaNeshama - Psalm 150
by Joey Weisenberg
(follow along on page 141 of Lev Shalem)
Ozi V’Zimrat Yah
by Shefa Gold - sung by Valley Outreach Synagogue Young Adult Vocal Ensemble - (follow along on page 143 of Lev Shalem)
Ozi V’ZImrat Yah by Shefa Gold
(at the Kotel) - sung by the Women of the Wall - (follow along on page 143 of Lev Shalem)
by Ehud Banai
(follow along on Lev Shalem page 151)
Shevet Achim v’Achayot
A tribe of brothers and sisters - an Israeli unity video created by 30 of the leading musicians in Israel
(you can enable English Subtitles)
Halleluya - Psalm 148
by Nava Tehila
(follow along Lev Shalem page 140)
Ein Keloheinu
in Hebrew and Ladino (follow along Lev Shalem page 204)
Oseh Shalom
by Nava Tehila
(follow along Lev Shalem page 203)
Gesher Tzar M’od Narrow Bridge
by Yosef Goldman
Nishmat Kol Chai
by Joey Weisenberg
(follow along p. 145 Lev Shalem)
Va’ani Ashir Uzecha
by Josh Warshawsky
Emet (Truth)
by Josh Warshawsky
(follow along at the bottom of Lev Shalem Page 157)
Kol HaNeshama - Psalm 150
by Joey Weisenberg
(follow along on page 141 of Lev Shalem)
Ozi V’Zimrat Yah
by Shefa Gold - sung by Valley Outreach Synagogue Young Adult Vocal Ensemble - (follow along on page 143 of Lev Shalem)
Ozi V’ZImrat Yah by Shefa Gold
(at the Kotel) - sung by the Women of the Wall - (follow along on page 143 of Lev Shalem)
Songs & prayers
Lighting the Candles
Blessing The Children
Shabbat Blessings Sing a long (Moishe House)
Friday Night Kiddush with Cantor Elana Rozenfeld
The Mishkan Song by Eliana Light
The Yad Song by Eliana Light
Blessing of the Children with Hazzan Dulkin
Blessing The Children
Shabbat Blessings Sing a long (Moishe House)
Friday Night Kiddush with Cantor Elana Rozenfeld
The Mishkan Song by Eliana Light
The Yad Song by Eliana Light
Blessing of the Children with Hazzan Dulkin
anchor: FragranceFreeNotice
Please note that Adath is fragrance-free.
A fragrance-free environment helps create a safe and healthy communal space for all Adath participants and members. Fragrances from personal care products, air fresheners, candles and cleaning products have been associated with adversely affecting a person’s health including headaches, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, and difficulty with concentration. People with allergies and asthma report that certain odors, even in small amounts, can cause asthma symptoms.
Please help us keep Adath Jeshurun fragrance-free to ensure that our building is welcoming to all who participate in our services and events. To learn more about fragrance-free environments, visit
A fragrance-free environment helps create a safe and healthy communal space for all Adath participants and members. Fragrances from personal care products, air fresheners, candles and cleaning products have been associated with adversely affecting a person’s health including headaches, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, and difficulty with concentration. People with allergies and asthma report that certain odors, even in small amounts, can cause asthma symptoms.
Please help us keep Adath Jeshurun fragrance-free to ensure that our building is welcoming to all who participate in our services and events. To learn more about fragrance-free environments, visit