We're here for you this Pesach
Here you will find resources to empower you to celebrate Pesach this year in your home.
We will be continuing to add to this curated collection as Pesach approaches.
We will be continuing to add to this curated collection as Pesach approaches.
How to make a Seder that's fun for the kids!
Daunted by the thought of leading your young family’s seder this year? Don’t be! The Rosenwald family is here to provide you with a step by step seder filled with stories, singing, symbols and fun!
Download source packet: Adath Seder for Young Families
Download source packet: Adath Seder for Young Families
How to Have a Virtual Seder on Zoom
David & Sarah Orbuch walk us through how to host a Zoom seder
Download David & Sarah's Powerpoint from How to Have a Virtual Seder
Download David & Sarah's Powerpoint from How to Have a Virtual Seder
Creative families of Adath Jeshurun Congregation will guide you through your seder, one step at a time. Use these videos one at a time or watch them all at once - to create a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure, Seder!
A message from our Clergy |
A Seder with your HouseholdThis year for Seder, our Minnesota Rabbinical Association urges people to gather only with those currently under the same roof as we prioritize health and well-being. We acknowledge that may mean being physically alone. Read more
Passover Guide in light of COVID-19Needless to say, this year’s Passover will offer new and particularly complicated challenges to the many observances associated with holiday. In this update, we will offer some guidance for those affected by COVID-19. Read more
Curated Passover ResourcesOur clergy has carefully curated a beautiful list of resources for you this Pesach. You don't need to scour the internet, it's all right here.
Rabbi Susan P. Fendrick reminds us: You Are Allowed To Have a Sh’Vach* Seder (*weak, pathetic) You don't need to make up for the seder you are not having, or the seder you wish you could have. Do this year’s seder(s) however that works for you this year. Do your best to keep yourself and your family healthy. Connect to the themes of Passover—getting out of narrow places, celebrating life, gratitude, remembering our obligations to each other and to all others. Dayeinu. That is more than enough.