Help a Fellow Congregant
RideshareIf you can provide a ride to or from Adath services or synagogue events, you can help other congregants stay connected to our Adath community. To volunteer, contact the Yad Sima Tova Hotline at 952.215.3937
18-24 OutreachParents, connect your young adult children, ages 18-24, with our College-Age Outreach Program. Adath will send holiday-themed packages and holiday emails from our rabbis around the High Holy Days, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover.
Read more HERE College-Age Outreach Chairs Sue Freeman, [email protected] Wendy Johnson, [email protected] Amy Klaiman, a[email protected] |
Minyan MakersEvery day members of our community observe yahrzeits, both morning and evening. Some days we do not have enough people to make minyan.
Morning minyan help is especially needed. Please come: Mondays-Thursdays 7:20 AM; Sundays 9:30 AM. Evening minyan is at 5:45 PM Sunday-Thursday. You can help! Our Rabbis and lay leadership believe strongly that having ten people to make a minyan, both morning and evening is very important for our community. As a Minyan Maker volunteer, you pick a day of the month (e.g. first Friday morning of the month or the last Tuesday evening of the month, etc) and agrees to invite 2-3 friends to join you for your time slot. You are in charge of that same day and time every month. If you can’t make it one month, be sure to let us know. Contact the Risa Kessler at 952.545.2424 to learn more! or download the Minyan Makers brochure |