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In Your Time of Need
Emergency ContactCall the office for instructions: 952.545.2424
For an emergency at Adath, please call: 911 Yad Sima TovaYad Sima Tova, Adath’s Outreach Caring Community, takes a collaborative approach to meet the health and healing needs of our community. MORE
Congregational NurseAdath’s Congregational Nurse Program brings medical, spiritual, and social dimensions of healing to congregants. Our nurse, Elaine Savick, and committee volunteers visit congregants in their homes and other settings to provide support and guidance when recovering from an illness or facing long-term health issues.
The Congregational Nurse works as part of a team with the Rabbis, the Program Liaison and Yad Sima Tova. Concerned members on behalf of themselves or others may contact the nurse. The Nurse:
To leave a private, confidential message for the Adath Jeshurun Congregational Nurse call 952.215.3936 or email. |
Need a RideIf you need a ride to or from Adath services or synagogue events, our volunteers can help you stay connected to our Adath community. For transportation, call Adath’s Yad Sima Tova Transportation Hotline 952.215.3937. Please make arrangements at least five days in advance.
Clergy VisitAre you or someone you know having a difficult time physically, mentally or emotionally? Please contact Executive Assistant Diane at 952.215.3912 to arrange a hospital visit, appointment with clergy, or a telephone check-in.
Too often we find out about illness, crises and hospitalizations after they occur. The clergy wants to share these times with you and support you and your family. If you would like a name added to our mishebeirach list - names spoken aloud during the Prayer for Healing each Shabbat, please let Diane know. We pray for a speedy and full recovery to all who need healing. |