![]() by Rabbi Harold J. Kravitz This April celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) an organization founded in 1917, during World War I, to support Jews serving in the U.S. military. The JWB continues to provide rabbis of all Movements to serve as military chaplains and supplies the kinds of items that provide religious and general support to Jews serving in our military such as prayer books, Bibles, mezuzot, etc. Military Chaplain Rabbi Albert Slomovitz, who served as a Navy Chaplain, recalls, "One of my earliest Passover memories as a military chaplain involved distributing "Seder-kits" provided by the JWB to Jewish Marines who would be deployed overseas during Pesach. These kits contained a small box of Matzah, (which
often arrived in broken pieces), two cans of gefilte fish, a Haggadah and some Kosher for Passover hard- candy." We can just imagine how much these things were appreciated as they helped Jewish servicemen and women maintain their faith connection. In calling your attention to the JWB, we acknowledge and honor people associated with our congregation who serve in any of the branches of the US and in the Israel Defense Force.Our synagogue sponsors a chavurah (fellowship group) for members of our congregation and community whose children are performing these duties. If you would like to join this havurah, or get more information, please contact the Chair, Mark Greenstein, at [email protected] or 612.619.1329. Comments are closed.
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April 2024