JDAIM Shabbat, February 17, 2018 In February 2018, Adath Jeshurun will observe the 10th Annual Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM.) The Inclusion Committee, in cooperation with the Jewish Family and Children Services, sponsors activities to raise awareness and encourage action to include people with disabilities in all aspects of synagogue life. The Adath Inclusion Committee is dedicated to making the synagogue accessible to all people, especially those who experience special needs and challenges. This year, on Shabbat Terumah, our presenter will be Albert Walla, who will speak and enlighten us on "Being Jewish and Deaf—My Experiences". This should be a very interesting presentation as Mr. Walla speaks through a voice ASL Interpreter. Written by Devora Greenberg, Rav Siach Director and Rabbi Arie Hasit, Educational Developer from our sister congregation in Israel Hanukkah is a holiday of many miracles, yet all of them share the theme that light, be it actual or metaphorical, has the ability to expel even the most powerful darkness. The following study includes a number of texts from Jewish and Israeli sources. These texts reference the struggle between light and darkness, exploring together what darkness is in our world right now and how are you able to bring light to it, what can small minorities do when they see a darkness caused by a group stronger than they are. Jodi Rubin explains why joining Adath’s 2nd Giving Circle recently was an easy “of course.”12/1/2017
Life can get busy around our house with four kids between the ages of 6-13. In addition to school, our afternoons and weekends consist of my husband and I playing the role of Uber drivers for our kids’ sports, religious schools, play-dates and extra curricular activities. We LOVE the chaos and the busy life that comes with having four children. That said, there are times when I wish we could slow down just a bit, take a step back and a deep breath to appreciate it all, and do more to understand how other people outside our little bubble live. We are blessed to have so many talented members in our Congregation, one of which is Heidi Geller. Heidi has been an active contributor for TC Jewfolk since September, and her series of posts fall within a certain theme: honoring her late mother's memory by sharing the back stories of some of her favorite go-to recipes. Her most recent articles focus on Thanksgiving: one in which she shares the story of her first trip home after starting college - and the hilarious meal mishap that ensued. You can read the article HERE. The second is a cautionary tale about preparing a full-fledged Thanksgiving meal in the confines of a tiny, one bedroom apartment. You can read that article HERE. Visit TC Jewfolk HERE to see the full list of her articles, and from all of us at Adath Jeshurun, have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. ***
Do you write blogs about your experiences within the Jewish community or Adath? Would you like to share them with us and be featured on our blog? Reach out to our Marketing & Communications Manager, Lindsay Valenty, at [email protected].
Check out some samples below of Eliana's music. We look forward to seeing you on December 15th!
Many of us have heard, told and retold the tales of our fearless matriarchs. The Torah is full of women—but not all of them are recognized to the same level as their male counterparts. What's up with that? D'var Torah by Rabbi Harold J. Kravitz on Yom Kippur Day 5778 An incident occurred at this very location many years ago. It happened early in my career when I was responsible for running the Kallah program of retreats for Adath’s young teens. As many of you know, before this building was built, this property was the original location of our Kallah retreat center. The Kallah Center space was shared by our Gan Shelanu Nursery School. One weekend we were here for a Shabbat Weekend and all appeared to have gone well, until I got to work on Monday morning. I heard from Susie Chalom, who was the Gan director, that some school equipment had been damaged over the weekend. There was no doubt that kids attending the Kallah retreat were responsible. Just before Rosh Hashanah Adath Jeshurun Congregation received a beautiful note from faith leaders in Minnetonka. It began, " As you prepare to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we offer our love and prayers to your community of faith." Read the full text HERE Adath is deeply grateful to an anonymous family for donating $250,000 to expand our innovative engagement model with young families as well as young adults through Makom. It provides startup capital and builds on the success of relationships that are growing inside and outside the walls of the synagogue.
by Rabbi Aaron S. Weininger, Rosh Hashanah Sermon, September 2017 / 5778 “God held me in the palm of His hand.” These were the first words Michelle spoke when I sat down at her bedside in the Emergency Room at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Michelle jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge the day before and survived the ten-story leap. I was the hospital chaplain on call. |
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